Delaware Public Media: Carper, Blunt-Rochester on Trump’s proposal to end shutdown
Members of Delaware’s Congressional delegation are commenting on this weekend’s quid pro quo from President Trump to reopen the government.
Both Delaware Sen. Tom Carper and Congresswoman Lisa Blunt-Rochester note some encouragement following the president’s offer, but each adds they believe the federal government should be reopened before negotiations continue.
“We all believe in border security, we all believe we should have comprehensive immigration reform, but first we have to open the government,” said Blunt-Rochester.
Carper says he would consider voting for a spending bill that funds border security but only up to $5 billion.
“There’s a number between $1.6 (billion)—which is what we’ve appropriated—and $5 billion,” said Carper. “There’s a number there. And what the president needs to do is to negotiate in earnest with the House and Senate members, Democrat and Republican. Help find that number.”